Monday 9 December 2013


To build a slab construction, you first need to roll out your clay on the slab roller, place it into a plastic bag, seal it, and leave it to set, dry up, and harden so that it will be able to stand. Slab construction, in this case, must be at least ten inches high.
A week after, you can begin to cut out your template of the construction you wish to make. After cutting out your template, it's best to imprint your design now. I used a plumeria leaf as a design for my slab. Now you will need to slice all the sides of the clay with a 45 degree angle; therefore, when you combine all four pieces together, they will flush perfectly together. Before applying slip to the sides of the clay, you must score the edges so that the clay and slip will hold each other into place. Then you can stand your pieces, and join them together. Carefully pinch the sides together so that there is no cracks.
After it has been fired, you can begin to glaze the piece. I glazed the leaf design with a satin-green glaze and then applied wax resist. When the wax resist has dried, I dipped the vase into a yellow glaze, so that the whole vase, including the inside, will be yellow. You will notice that the yellow glaze did not mix with the green glaze because of the use of wax resist.

In to the kiln it goes for firing one last time, and then my slab construction will be finished.

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