Monday 9 December 2013


To make coil constructions, you would need to roll out your coils first, or place it into the coil maker for perfect, smooth coils. Once you have made your coils, start by making a foot for your pot. I decided to make a flat foot that will sit on any flat surface. Next, you take your first layer of coils, apply slip to both the coil and the foot and combine them together. Depending on the shape of your pot, it will matter how you place the layers of coils on top of each other. Every layer of coils should be joined with slip, therefore the pot will hold together. You could also do different techniques with the coils, such as twisting it, braiding it, making chain links, or even making swirls that'll stand out as a decoration to the pot. I decided to make a triangle coil construction as a place to keep my keys, or hair ties, or even my jewelry.

After it has been fired, I glazed the foot first with a glossy-black glaze, then the rest of the coils with a chrome-green glaze. Wax resist was needed for the inside foot so that the glaze for the coils does not mix with the glaze for the foot.
In to the kiln it goes for firing one last time, and then my coil construction will be finished.

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